Once again New Years’ Eve brings reflections of the past. As I look back on where I have been, where I am now, and what will be brought into fruition in the coming year I know how far I have come by seizing the opportunities I have found in front of me. I am blessed to have a God who cares about the decisions I make on a daily basis and puts opportunities in front of me that, when seized, bring the blessings he has promised.
But how do you know the opportunities that you face are the right ones to embrace. First, you need to know where you want to go. What are your goals for yourself and your family. This is not rocket science and even if your goals are simple you still need a framework for answering the question, “Is this right for me?”
Second, know your values and belief systems. This can be a bit more complicated but again when you make decisions within these parameters you’re usually heading in the right direction.
Finally, there is the “how” of knowing for sure if the opportunity is worthwhile. This comes in the form of several questions.
Question #1: Is the opportunity moral, ethical and legal? Usually this is pretty simple to answer. However, if you cannot answer this easily you may need to do some research. Don’t be afraid to dig into who or what is behind the opportunity and the values they portray.
Question #2: Will this opportunity benefit me physically emotionally, mentally, socially, and/or spiritually? I use these specifically because these are the areas I focus on in the construct of self care.
Question #3: Will this opportunity benefit me financially? Even if you answer yes to this it is important to ask this with an understanding of your end goal. Making money is always nice, but if you are spending all your energy on a short-term financial gain what might you be sacrificing in your lack of focus on your long-term financial goal?
Question #3: What kind of support system will I need to put in place to take advantage of this opportunity. Sometimes an opportunity seems overwhelming. Having a spouse or friend for an accountability partner is beneficial. You may also need a coach or mentor if you are venturing into unknown territory.
Once you have answered each of these questions to your own satisfaction you will know if you are ready to seize or pass on any new juncture in front of you. It is my prayer for you that in the coming year you take advantage of the opportunities God places in your path and receive the blessings he has in store for you.
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