Prior to the morning I woke and was unable to move I had experienced physical and emotional trauma. The physical trauma had come from eight car accidents over the past 5 or 6 years. The emotional trauma was from the experience of the marriage to my first husband and was compounded by unhealed trauma from my childhood. It is only now after years of silence I can speak of my experiences because now everything has changed. I am a new person experiencing a new life with the joy and blessing promised by my Savior.
I grew up in a family that did not talk about anything and I truly mean anything. I understand now that it wasn’t because my parents just didn’t want to teach us certain things, but I believe they didn’t know how and certainly if we did not have certain information we would be protected. Unfortunately, I was not as protected as my parents believed and so I became the victim of a family friend’s unwanted attention. I had no idea what sex was and had no idea what was happening to me. I did not have the vocabulary to speak of it and then I had parents who I knew would not talk to me about it. Thus my silence for many years. I was well into my 30s before I spoke the words, “I was molested.” I was in my 40s before I said the words out loud to my parents and even then, I was met with silence.
This eroded my self confidence for years and I was never truly able to speak up for myself in ways that would have set me free. It formed thoughts and opinions about males and their expectations for many years. In fact, the first time I was intimate with a man as an adult turned into a date rape because I was thrown back into the same state of mind from my earlier trauma. I did not acknowledge that experience for many years either.
Several years into my marriage I discovered my husbands predilection for inappropriate “reading” material. This soon transferred to the computer and many hours of his time and energy were spent scrolling through the Internet. The longer he perused the sites the more his anger grew at everything around him. He always had a quick temper but it grew until it was no longer safe to be around his outbursts. My oldest daughter’s earliest memories include instances when items were thrown in my direction. The dog was also a target. I worked very hard to protect my girls from all of this, but completely failed.
I spent two entire years praying for God to heal the situation by making me a better wife and helping me create a better environment for our family. I’m a problem solver and a helper and thought I could single-handedly help the situation. One day while spending time in reflection and prayer God told me it was not up to me to fix the problem. I began to try to get my husband to see the error in his ways and find help. After months of hoping and waiting God finally told me it was time to leave. It was too dangerous to stay. I began to pray for God to help me find a way to exit safely and began to prepare.
Unfortunately, my physical and emotional collapse happened before I could leave. I prayed even more specifically that God would provide help so I could take my girls and everything we needed. Several months went by and I continued to claim Jeremiah 29:11. I knew God was going to work out our situation. Finally, one afternoon the church scheduled a social event. I was unable to attend due to my health. The girls were at a sleepover. My husband went alone. God sent angels in the form of friends who showed up and packed up the entire house in six hours. We were fully loaded and ready to leave when my husband arrived home. With my friends there I was able to finally say enough is enough and it is time for a change.
I left that evening and never went back. Our separation was not enough for him to make the changes he needed to truly be part of a family. It took four years in the court system for him to be able to receive the full visitation rights of our children.
This is when my healing truly began. I spent many hours sleeping while my body began healing. I was able to visit with a therapist who understood my physical and emotional state. But most of all, I have a God who stayed with me every painful moment of every day and helped me walk when I asked him to help me get out of bed and move because I could not do it on my own.
God never changes. He is always there to heal and love no matter the situation in which you find yourself. He gives new life and new joy.