My twin sister, younger brother and I were raised in Lincoln, Nebraska. We attended private schools for a majority of our education. I received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Religion from Union Adventist University (then Union College) in 1998 and after working in the social services field as a family support worker, tracker and Intensive Family Preservation (IFP) Worker. I then attended Doane College, Lincoln Campus and received a Master of Arts in Counseling in 2009.
I am the mother of two beautiful girls with spectrum disorder diagnoses as well as mental health disorders and chronic illness diagnoses. I am currently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Kidney Disease.
I have started this website and blog as a way to tell my story and offer support for other women who have experienced trauma in their lives and are looking for healing. Make sure to subscribe to my blog in order to receive my latest posts and website updates.
God Bless